Hitchhiking from Split to Dubrovnik and also Krka National Park

Hitchhiking from Split to Dubrovnik

After spending a couple nights in Split drinking at a hostel with a group of English tourists it was time to hit the road again. The sea, beers and conversations where I didn’t need to speak slowly were refreshing, but I wanted to get to Bosnia and Herzegovina for a change of scenery.

I walked to the Ina petrol station located at the red dot on the map in order to find a lift towards Bosnia. I actually got lost on the way and the Croatian man I asked for directions was sound enough to get his car and drop me at the petrol station.Hitchhike split

I waited there for maybe an hour but every person I approached either spoke no English or indicated that they were only local traffic. I was beginning to get very impatient at this stage.

I was lucky enough however to strike up a conversation with two Chilean guys in a rented Croatian car, tourists driving around the country. They ended up offering me a lift to Krka National Park and after that to Dubrovnik. Deciding that there was still more of Croatia for me to see before Bosnia I took them up on the offer.

Overall Rating : Bad, mostly local traffic, for getting to Zagreb I would recommend finding a way out further from the city to the OMV Station. For the direction of Dubrovnik I would try walking along the coastal road instead with your thumb out.

Waiting Time : 1 Hour (Krka)


hitchhike krkaSwimming at Krka National Park. An example of how random hitchhiking can be.

Before : Hitchhiking from Zagreb to Split

After : Hitchhiking from Mostar to Sarajevo